Mytho Marathon
MYTHO MARATHON is your chance to enter to the Olympus of Marathons! A myth which will never cease to surprise you because it proposes a new route every year that will make you fall in love forever with Friuli Venezia Giulia and its three wonderful cities. After the success of the first three editions in Cividale del Friuli (2021), Sacile (2022) and Aquileia (2023), MYTHO Marathon now arrives in Grado where the fourth act of the ONLY road marathon to be held in Friuli Venezia Giulia will be staged!
The route
Your journey through Mytho begins at the beautiful beach of Grado, an authentic symbol of the lagoon city. Then you will enter in the old town centre characterised by narrow Venetian streets and the majestic Basilica of Santa Eufemia, before passing through the ancient Mandracchio port and entering to the final section of the famous Alpe Adria cycle route that connect Salzburg to Grado. From here you'll head straight north, cutting the lagoon in two, passing through the municipalities of Aquileia and Fiumicello-Villa Vicentina before moving to the south to discover the unspoilt landscape of the Valle Cavannata Nature Reserve before returning to Grado beach.

Accomodation and Tourism

MYTHO Marathon is the only marathon in the world that allows runners to build their own medal year after year!
Only those who complete the 3 competitions will be able to call themselves MYTHO and wear (with pride) the special medal assembled year after year at the end of each marathon. A new and original creation, like the marathon it represents!

Prosecco DOC Speed Bridge Contest is a special award given to the fastest marathon runner to cross a specific area of the MYTHO MARATHON course.
In 2021, the winner of the coveted prize sponsored by the Consortium of Prosecco DOC was Gianfranco Locatelli, who took 12"66 to cross the famous Devil's Bridge in Cividale.
In Sacile, on the other hand, the trophy went to the home athlete Giuseppe Donadel, who, aware of the final prize, surprised even the highly favoured Kenyans by setting the best time on the iconic Ponte della Libertà.
In the 2023, the Jeroboam by Prosecco DOC ended up in the hands of the Spaniard Jaime Gutiérrez Vincente, author of the best time in the spectacular transit along Riva San Marco in Grado, and at the same time outstanding in finishing the marathon in 02h47'10", placing sixth overall!
And on the 06 October in Grado, who is gonna be the winner?

We wanted a logo that would bring with it the wonder of the Friuli Venezia Giulia region and the feeling of running a mythical marathon.
The logo is reminiscent of the language of the Olympian gods, it has an outline that recalls the majestic mountains present in every glimpse of the region, and it recounts the highs and lows that one experiences during a marathon: the peaks of enthusiasm contrasted with the moments when one thinks one cannot go one step further.
It is made up of several parts because this is the spirit of the marathon: one step after another, and one and another, up to the tree, to the end of the road... so many fragments of the race that, one after the other, make up a Myth.
The Y encloses the three stages faced one year after the other. Each piece of the Y bears a colour representing the city hosting the race. Each year the Y is tinged with the colour of the host city of the Mytho Marathon to identify the event and honour the host city. And honour those who will participate. In fact, if you look closely, the Y represents a runner with his arms raised crossing the finish line.

Mytho marathon 2023
The beautiful Roman city of Aquileia in 2023 completed the first triptych of MYTHO races while crowning the first runners to enter the MYTHO Marathon. After the great disappointment suffered in 2022 when he seemed to be on his way to a great victory, the Kenyan Gilbert Kipleting Chumba took a great revenge in Aquileia against his compatriot Simon Kamau Njeri by winning his first success in the only marathon in Friuli Venezia Giulia. Chumba literally dominated, beating the winner of the first two editions of the Mytho Marathon by more than four minutes, while setting a new marathon record of 02h13'18". In the women's field, success went to Silvia Luna from the Marche region, a great ultramarathon specialist who stopped the clock at 02h52'32".
Result 2023

The amazing city of Sacile hosted in the 2022 the second edition of MYTHO Marathon. Simon Kamau Njeri was the overall winner of the unique marathon of Friuli Venezia Giulia for the second time in a row. The kenyan runner overtook his compatriot Gilbert Kipleting Chumba at 2 kilometres to the finish and at the same time he took the new record of Mytho Marathon with the time of 2:14:21. Natalia Brignoli won the female competition with the time of 3:14:28.
result 2022

Cividale del Friuli is a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2011 and it hosted the first edition of MYTHO Marathon. On the 31st of October 2021 more the 800 runners took part at the first of three MYTHO Marathon routes. Simon Kamau Njeri was the first overall winner of Mytho Marathon with the time of 2:14:50. The ethiopian Sintayehu Tilahun Getahun won the first female competition with the final time of 2:45:06.
Results 2021