Eco Run
Not competitive Family Run is aimed at families but not only, and aims to make participants aware of environmental protection and preservation. Along the approximately ten-kilometre route, runners equipped with gloves and garbage bags will collect waste paper, cigarette butts, cans, bottles, and anything else that is abandoned on the ground. And then... a final toast with Prosecco DOC!
The route
Accomodation and Tourism
ecofvg award for sustainability
Eco Fvg is the award that certifies the quality of initiatives whose planning, organisation and implementation is carried out according to sustainability criteria. MYTHO Marathon is working to obtain this important certification thanks to a series of initiatives aimed at the best possible management of resources and the maximum limitation of energy consumption. The Marathon, thanks not only to the actions it has undertaken but also to the support it has received from the companies that support it, wants to take bigger and bigger steps towards a tomorrow that can look to the future with greater respect for Nature. Not least because this Earth is home to us, and it is the only one we have. Help us too to make our event more and more environmentally friendly. For a possible and liveable tomorrow, we must commit ourselves today.